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Writer's pictureManoj Pillai


Perhaps the above “topic question” pops in every mind when trials and struggles are experienced in life. When life seems hopeless, uncomfortable and stormy – pessimistic thoughts starts to hit one’s mind like “God does not care”, God is not by my side”, Does my life really matter to God”?

Yes my dear friends, your life really matter to God because He created you and He died for you – If you have a reason to live and if God is the one who has given you that reason, then your life does matter. Your life is important. God created you and me in His own image (Gen. 1:27); so that we can reflect Him to others – through our life. He created each one of us for a definite purpose and thus the thing is crystal clear – our lives do really matter to God. Christ being God, left all the glory of the heaven, manifested in flesh (Phil. 2:6) and came to earth for the redemption of mankind. He led a servant-life, to seek the lost, serve the needy and bring them all in relationship with His father. He finished everything on the cross by giving His life to deliver all from their sins and give them an eternal life who believes in Him. His enduring love, mercy and forgiveness proclaim that “Our life does matter to God”. But there are occasions when one struggle to really believe that “My life really matter to God”. We mess up. We fail. We let ourselves down. And we let God down. We don’t treat each other as glorious image bearers, worthy of respect and love. The reality is; our lives are often marred by brokenness and failure, from inside as well as outside. But even then our life still matters to God and that is the reason; the psalmist says “In my distress I called to the Lord and He answered me” (Psalm 120:1). God even matters the small things of our life. Kind David sings “You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book? (Psalm 56:8). When we go through the life of Jesus we see – how Jesus was concerned about His peoples’ life. Whether old, young, small, children, sick or sinner, He treated everyone equally with His compassion and forgiveness. We see Him providing food for those who had been listening to His teachings for days and were hungry. He interacted with children who were thought to be of little importance. He took time with the people He healed. One shining example of this is the woman with the issue of blood. He made the prostitute repent from her sins. We also see how He interacted with His disciples at many occasions.

Your life is the best and the most precious gift from God. And God is really concerned about your life how you are going to make use of it in glorifying His name in the midst of people in your easy and tough times.

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