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Vedanayil njaan neerunna neram
1 vedanayil njaan neerunna neram
vegamathil enne thangidanne(2)
kaithanganne nin snehathin karathaal
kaikumbilil enne thangidanne(2)
2 kakkayal pottiya dassane pole
nin karathalenne uayarthiduka(2)
dukhangal mathram nalkidum lokam
engilum nin karam enikkennum aashvasam(2);-
3 dahikkum vezhambal polmanam thalarumbol
puthu mazha pol dhairyam nalkiduka(2)
ooro nimishavum nin mukham kanumbol
prathyashayerunne enn veettilethuvan(2);-
4 kazhukane pole njaan chirakadichuyarnnidan
thirukaram kavalaayi kanename(2)
ie loka malinniyam mattiyennil nithyam
puthu shakthiyal enne nirakka nin namathal;-
Santhosh Pandalam

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