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Umm Sitham Deva Umm Sithamey
1 Umm Sitham Deva Umm Sithamey
Kuyavan Neerthamey Kalimannanen
Umm Sitham Pola Akkum Ennai
Oopuvitheney Puranamai
2 Umm Sitham Deva Umm Sithamey
Thedum Ennai Tham Sitham Pol
Kaluvum Ennai Venmaiyaga
Than Samugam Nan Panikiren
3 Umm Sitham Deva Umm Sithamey
Ennai Mutrumai Atkoluven
Aviyal Enthanai Nirapi
Ennil Eppothum Vasam Seiyum

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