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song/hymn lyrics

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Shunya se leke tune mujhe


1. Shunya se leke tune mujhe,
Rachliya apne hi roop mai,
Prem kiya hai anant prem se,
Diya putra meri mukti ke liye

Anokha pyaar hai tera
Karunga stuti teri mai sarvadha (2)

2. Jag mai aya yeshu swarg chodke,
Mera sara dand sah liya usne
Kode khake krus utha ke yeshu ne,
Mujhe mukti aur changayi de di hai

3. Ann, Vasthr aur sabhi aashish
Di mujhe tune bharpuri se,
Khatra aur sab musibathom me,
Aakho ki putli jaise sambhala mujhe


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