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Jai dene vale prabhu yeshu ko


1. Jai dene wale prabhu yeshu ko
Koti koti dhanyawaad
Jeevan dene wala prabhu yeshu ko
Jeevan bhar dhanyawaad

Hallelujah hallelujah gayenge
Aatma se bhar-kar gayenge(2)
Yeshu zinda hai! wo aane wala hai(2)

Shanti dene wale prabhu yeshu ko
Koti koti dhanyawaad
Mukti dene wale prabhu yeshu ko
Jeevan bhar dhanyawaad

Changa kerne wale prabhu yeshu ko
Koti koti dhanyawaad
chudkara dene wale prabhu yeshu ko
Jeevan bhar dhanyawaad

Jeewan dene wale prabhu yeshu ko
Koti koti dhanyawaad
Trapti dene wale prabhu yeshu ko
Jeevan bhar dhanyawaad


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