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Ini labhamayathellam chethamayi
1 Ini labamayathellam chethamai ennam
Visvasathal otta-modidam;
Ini munpottu nam pokam-
Visvasthal pokam pinmari nam poyidalle (2)
Aathmakale nedam ini aathmakale nedam (2)
Yesuvinai pokam-Yesuvinai nedam
Pinmari nam poyidalle (2)
2 Parthisandikalil munpil pakachu nilkathe nam
Abishekathal munneram;
Prathikulangal munpil patharidathe nam
Prarthanayal jayikam;
Pokam pokam pokam
Ie lokathinatatholam
Nedam nedam nedam
Ini athmakale nedam (2)
Kalamereyilla kanthanesu vanniduvan (2)
3 Suvisaha sabdam muzangidatte
Janam Yesuve aringidatte
Sakalarum kristhuvil onnayi theratte
Thakaratte sathruvin sainyam
Illa illa illa tholvi namukilla-
Jayam jayam jayam Yesunalkum jayam (2)
Aathma shaktiyale athidhariyami muneram (2)

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