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song/hymn lyrics

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Gaunga mein there hi geeth


Gavunga mem there hi geeth,
Hey Yeshu thu hi mahan
Thera hi nam mere massi,
Letha hum subah aur sham (2)

Jab me gunahom mem pada, There prem se mein dur tha
There sammukh ane ke layak, Mem kadappi yogay na tha
Par thuhi mere sahara bna, Apne pas muje bulaya
Isliye massiha aauduo se apni, sthuthi theri karumja

Tere anugrah teri daya ko, Kaise bhulu mein mashi
Mere shap ko thune hattakar, Kud shapith bena mashi
Tune krush par lahu, bahakar mujeh, papom se shudh kiya
Mere asuvom ko pochakar, Sare duk dur kiya


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