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song/hymn lyrics

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Aaj ka din yahova ne bnaya he


aaj ka din yahova ne banaya he
ham usme aanadit ho, aanadit ho

1 prabhu ko mahima mile, chahe ho mera apaman
Vo bede me ghadu, rehe ussi ka dhayan;- aaj…

2 stuti prashamsa kre, kyom na kuch hotha rahe
usko ham fate rehe, chahe jaham fi rehe;- aaj…

3 aatha hum tere pas, mujko he tujse aas
Mujko Kabul kar le, papom se shudh kar de;- aaj…

4 jeevan se jyoti, jeevan yeh eysa bane
Tujse huva hi yahi, jyothi me ham chal sake;- aaj…


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